Tag Archives: America

Memorial Day

Thank you to everyone who has served or is currently serving our country. You are the people that help make America the wonderful place it is.

I don’t mean for this post to be a side note. Not in any way. However, there aren’t enough words to express the sadness and reflection this day brings for me and my country, so instead of filling it up with superfluous words, I just wanted to remind myself and us all to never forget.

Popping By

Just popping by this morning to wish all of my American friends a happy Labor Day! “In the United States, Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions […]

4th of July Weekend

Hello everyone! It feels like it’s been a long time since we last talked, but at the same time, my weekend went by too so quickly. I did a ton of fun stuff over the four day break, and have lots of pictures to prove it, so here is my 4th of July weekend in […]

Red, White, and Blue: Recipe Roundup

Hello everyone! For all of my American friends, I hope this is your last day of work/school before the holiday weekend! If not, I hope you’re at least feeling slightly in the holiday spirit. :-)I have next to no energy at this point (after a long week of babysitting and a long, busy weekend), so […]

Meat Free Monday: Simple Summer Potato Salad

Good morning and happy July! How was your weekend? Mine was absolutely jam-packed, but very good (see my week in review tomorrow 😉 ). I have to say, I am so looking forward to the four-day weekend I have coming up…I’ll get to cook, sleep, lounge, play with Ella, blog, and do all of the […]

Week in Review #3

Hello hello! It feels like it’s been forever since I last posted on here. Wow. How was everyone’s weekend? It was Memorial Day yesterday here in America, and before I start with my week in review, I thought I would take a moment to thank all of the veterans in our history who have given […]


A few summers ago my family and I spent a couple of days in Boston. I immediately fell in love with the city, its beauty, and the strength and dedication of its people. There really is a comradeship in its people, who are so warm and inviting. It’s one of the most American cities I […]

What A Week…Already

We’re halfway through the week! Hooray! This week, I’ve begun my job at the writing center and my weekly five hours in a high school classroom. I’m not allowed to get too detailed on here, but both have been going quite well! Working, pre-student teaching, going to class, doing homework, and working as a study […]

New England Trip 2010, Days 7 and 8

Throughout the last two days of our vacation, we traveled down the East Coast, from Maine back to the Boston area. Day 7 We stopped at a few roadside markets. Saw a couple of cute bed & breakfasts and other buildings. Stopped in Camden, ME, for some sightseeing and a quick lunch. Dad got a […]