Tag Archives: autumn

Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes

A few days before my birthday (last Saturday…I know, I’m so behind on my posts!), my dad picked up a half gallon of apple cider from the local farmer’s market. We all know that farmer’s markets have some of the best things, but this cider is truly amazing. It’s made from Honeycrisp apples and is […]

Ten Things I Love About Fall

1. Fiery leaves.2. Sounds of a marching band floating through the air. 3. Cooler temperatures. 4. Pumpkin baked goods.5. Crunchy, frosty grass. 6. Candy corn.7. Cozy sweaters and cute boots. 8. Waning sunlight shining on changing trees.9. Sweet, crisp apples. 10. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and soon after, Christmas. —— As you all know, I hate winter. […]

Individual Apple Crumbles

I have a kinda funny story. On Sunday I felt like experimenting in the kitchen. I wanted a nice, autumnal dessert that was also somewhat light/healthy. It’s “lightness” would be good for both me and my family and also What Would Kathy Eat?‘s Healthy Thanksgiving Challenge. Because I had already made something with pumpkin in […]

Pumpkin Pancakes

Well folks, it’s T minus nine days until Thanksgiving! I love this holiday, all it stands for, and the food that comes along with it, but I’ve got to be honest…the thing I’m looking forward to the most is the vacation. Yesterday afternoon, my semester got even busier – I’ve been scheduled for five hours […]

Parks Around Kingston

I mentioned it before in this post about Brighton: I love love loved London, but sometimes, it was so nice to get away from the loud, bustling city. Fortunately for me, there were plenty of parks that surrounded Kingston-upon-Thames that I could walk or take a bus to when I needed some peace and quiet. […]

WIAW + Birthday

Is it just me, or is this week flying by? It just doesn’t seem like it should be Wednesday yet…not complaining, though! Because I’m going to share a WIAW with you all and a recap of what I did on my birthday, I’ll get right to it! WIAW Boy oh boy did I have some […]

WIAW + She Wasn’t Mad

Hello hello! How is your Wednesday going? What with being done at the high school, I feel like I have been granted three extra hours to my day. I know that’s silly, because all days are 24 hours, but I have to admit…this is niiiiice. 🙂 We are in the middle of a glorious fall […]

Happy October!

Hello, everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. Mine is – you guessed it – busy, but good. I’ve been pretty good at managing my time this week, though…Can you believe I  got almost 9 hours of sleep last night?? I haven’t done that in ages! Of course, it meant I needed […]