Monthly Archives: August 2012

Slow Motion Whirlwind

I know that’s a bit of a contradictory title, but that’s how I feel this week is going. Each day by itself is super crazy and busy, but as a whole, the week seems to be moving rather slowly. The first week of school (at university level, anyway) has always been one of my favorites. […]

Cocoa Fudge Cookies

As I mentioned on Wednesday, I found these cookies through a great site called For the Love of Cooking. However, I wanted to try and experiment and make them healthier. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work out – there are some recipes that you just shouldn’t mess with, you know? – but […]

The Fast Season

Hello, hello! Happy Wednesday! I am finding it so difficult to believe that it is nearly the end of August. It seems like my summer break was just starting! Nevermind that, it seems like I was just heading off to England, and that was almost a year ago! Why is it that the summer season […]

Meat Free Monday: Stuffed Peppers

One of my 2012 New Year’s Resolutions was to try and make all Mondays “Meat Free Mondays“. (<– Click for a link to more information!) While, in general, I have kind of failed at this mission (there are a few reasons, but mostly its because throwing together a quick ham and cheese sandwich is the […]

Taking Time

This is my 10th WIAW! Ever since I started reading healthy living blogs, I knew that I wanted to start one. While I’m sure a lot of the recipes I post don’t exactly qualify as “healthy”, I generally consider this blog to fall under the healthy living category. I would eventually like to work my […]

Triple Chocolate Cookies

Every so often I will have an “I-don’t-think-I-can-go-on-without-a-really-good-chocolate-cookie” moment. I’m sure that not all of you are as dramatic as I am when it comes to cookies, but even if you’ve never experienced that moment, or if you don’t like chocolate (like my brother) bear with me: these cookies are unbelievable. If the name (triple chocolate!!) doesn’t […]

A Summer Weekend

Rain storms, ice cream, one month old puppies, farmer’s market produce, and a camping trip with family. A wonderful summer weekend that helped me to ignore the arrival of textbooks and the fact that vacation is ending soon. 🙂 I hope your weekend was lovely as well!

Chai Tea Cupcakes

I have to say, probably my favorite thing to give people for their birthday is food. If I don’t know the person very well, chocolate chip cookies are always the best bet. However, it is the most fun making food for someone I know well, because then I can customize it to exactly what they […]

Raspberry Swirl Brownies + Circuit Training

I know, I know, those two things in the title really don’t go well together. Or maybe they do, in the sense that when you eat what seems like five thousand brownies within just a couple of days, you really should do some circuit training. Either way, as promised, I have a recipe and some […]

The First Day of August

Hello again! And Happy August! (Seriously?…where did July go???) I apologize for my lack of posting lately…as the summer winds down, I seem to be getting busier and busier while trying to fit in appointments, finishing up my online class (finally!), working, and finding time to spend with friends and family. WIAW Isn’t this a […]