Tag Archives: Paris

Paris, France Part Three

Before I get into the third day of my Paris recap, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who expressed concern and sent well-wishes, prayers, and thought my way about my allergy test. Thankfully, all of the results came back negative. They did suggest that I cut back on […]

Paris, France Part 2

After walking through the beautiful Notre Dame, Dan and I slowly made our way back to the Louvre. We passed so many beautiful and interesting things along the way. One tip for those of you who aren’t familiar with Paris: there aren’t any public bathrooms (at least, we didn’t find any – let me know […]

Paris, France Part One

Hello everyone, and happy weekend! Well, I only have a few more days of recap posts from my study abroad trip last year. I remember thinking this at the time, too: that experience really did go by so fast! As I mentioned before, I was so blessed to have so many visitors. My dad flew […]