
Liv Lives Life started out as a blog on which I could post recipes for people who have allergies like me. It then evolved into a little niche on the Internet where I write not only recipes, but also exercise ideas, travel recaps and photos, friend and family get-togethers, and plenty of other things! I’m so glad you’re here – please, stay a while!


I have food allergies, and I know I’m not alone. Hopefully, someone else with allergies will stumble across this site, and feel hopeful that they can live a happy, healthy life without feeling stunted or held back by the foods they can’t eat! Unfortunately, I might not be able to cater to every allergy, as I’m not an expert, but I will try and do some experimenting. πŸ™‚ I firmly believe that allergic people can be foodies – we just have to be a little more experimental! (My recipe page is a work in progress…click here to check out what I have so far!)





I love love love to be active. It’s not that I ever hated it, but I really had to kick myself into high gear to get myself to like it. About two years ago, I was sick of how bad I looked in pictures and how bad I felt, so, inspired mainly by healthy living blogs, I decided to do something about it! Now, I exercise at least 5 times a week, and my workouts range from simply walking, yoga, P90X, tae-bo, jogging, elliptical, etc. I feel so much better and, bonus, I love exercising! Though the focus of this blog will probably be mostly food, I’ll try to include some exercise-related posts, too! (Below: me in May 2009 in Las Vegas – that was the heaviest I ever got; me in July 2010 – I’ve since basically maintained that body weight, and am very happy with my progress!)


I love to travel! I am blessed to have been to some amazing, mind-boggling places: half the states in the U.S.; England, France, Italy, and Switzerland; Canada, Mexico, and hopefully many more! Check out my Travel page for photos and recaps on the places I’ve been! πŸ™‚

In Italy, 2008 (when I wasn’t yet allergic to coffee!)


In Switzerland!


While I am by no means a professional – or even great – photographer, I really do love taking pictures. My favorite things to take pictures of? Food, scenery, people…anything!


Right now, I am a semester away from a bachelor’s degree, and I am majoring in literature, minoring in history and music performance. My intent is to teach, but I’m not sure if it will be high school or university-level. Although I go to school in Michigan, through the semester of Fall 2011 (when I started this blog!), I studied abroad in Kingston-upon-Thames, England! Kingston is a city about 25 minutes outside of London. Studying abroad was such a great experience. Β (If you want to read some of my posts from when I was over there, check out my earliest ones from November and December. And, over the course of Fall 2012, I did weekly recaps of my experiences – click on over to the Travel page for links!)

Otherwise, I am very much a family-girl: one of my favorite things to do is be at home with my family, watching movies, baking, talking, or just hanging out. Same idea goes with my friends – I love to just hang around on a Friday or Saturday night.


Well, thanks very much for visiting – I hope you stay along for the photos, recipes, and good times! πŸ™‚

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure” – William Feather

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or fun things to say at
livliveslife (at) gmail (dot) com.


  1. So lovely to “meet” you! It sounds like we’ve got a lot in common, you and I (my kids and hubs are all anaphylactic with various foods, we all love traveling and exercising…) So glad I found your blog…looking forward to trying some new recipes (and maybe reviewing them on my own blog :))
    Happy Halloween!

  2. Once I saw the name of your blog, I had to stop by and say hello! Looks like we think in a very similar manner. πŸ˜‰ And we have a bunch in common! I also have a HUGE passion for travel!

    1. Oh my gosh! How funny! I guess great minds think alike! I’m glad you stopped by…looking forward to reading your blog. πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Liv, I love your blog and have nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award!

    New Awards

    1. Wow, thank you so much!!

  4. Hey there! I nominated you for the Liebster blog award! I love reading your blog and you truly deserve it! You can find my post here: http://thejoyofbeingalive.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/i-would-like-to-thank-the-academy/

  5. Hi Liv, I have nominated you for Super Sweet Blogging Award and Blog of the Year 2012 Award

    Awards and many more thanks

  6. Just found your blog and sounds like you are in a great place in life! I too have food allergies so I will be checking out your blog for sure. Always looking for new ideas.

    1. Awesome, thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚

  7. Hey just found your blog via mels kitchen cafe. We have egg & nut allergies in our house too among other things. I always love seeing how other people substitute eggs in recipes. Feel free to stop by my blog eggfreebakery.blogspot.com – as I have egg free recipes too!

    1. Hello! I’m definitely going to head on over to your blog – thanks for stopping by mine! πŸ™‚

  8. Hi, thank you so much for following my blog! Sounds like you’re in a really positive place and congrats on the weight loss – I’ve started really exercising over the last year as well and lost some weight so I know where you’re coming from! Thanks again, Linda.

  9. Hey girl! This is my first time visiting your blog, and I have to tell you that I’m basically -in love-. Not only is your photography gorgeous, but your posts are a lot of fun to read and your recipes look delicious. You’ve definitely got yourself a new follower!

    1. Your comment just made my day! Thank you so much for stopping by. πŸ™‚

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