Tag Archives: healthy snacks

Homemade Applesauce

I used to eat applesauce all the time when I was a kid. Then I kind of got tired of it, and moved on. Now I’ve fallen in love with it again, not only because it’s delicious, but also because it really helps sooth the constant burning in my throat. The more natural a food […]

Two in One: Baked Banana Oatmeal and Zucchini Banana Bread

I’m aliiiiiiive!!! (^That’s a bit dramatic.) Needless to say, I survived my first day of student teaching. Not only that, but it went so, so well. Thank you all for your good luck wishes and kind things you said – I’m sure they helped! Really, though, I couldn’t have asked for a better first day. […]

Strawberry Lemon Frozen Yogurt

Hey everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY! I was away from my computer all day yesterday (babysitting, workout class, and collapse), so I didn’t get a chance to share that I did a guest post over at Hungry Healthy Girl yesterday! Please head on over to Kim’s blog for my recipe for all natural Strawberry Lemon Frozen Yogurt. […]

Homemade Clif Bars – Cinnamon Raisin

I have been gluten-free for a week already. It totally doesn’t feel like it, which I think is a good thing. 😉 I’ve actually realized that I was eating gluten-free more often than I thought. For example, those homemade chocolate Clif bars I’ve had up on my site for a while are gluten-free, and are […]

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie

On Friday I woke up and realized I was getting a cold. My parents and my brother all suffered from that horrible flu that has been going around, and I just assumed I was the next victim of it. While it’s hasn’t escalated too much over the last few days, I do still have an […]

Healthy Berry Muffins

Well, spring break is over, and I enjoyed it a lot. But on Thursday night…well, I don’t want to say that I was bored. I just wanted something to do that wasn’t homework. And whenever I get that feeling, I bake or cook food. However, I get that feeling a lot, which means a lot […]

Crunchy Spicy Chocolate Granola

It’s a new week already – can you believe it? I don’t like to or want to wish time away, but I have to say, I am so ready for spring that I’m ok with February flying by. The winter months in Michigan are often incredibly dismal. I heard someone say that throughout the past […]

WIAW + She Wasn’t Mad

Hello hello! How is your Wednesday going? What with being done at the high school, I feel like I have been granted three extra hours to my day. I know that’s silly, because all days are 24 hours, but I have to admit…this is niiiiice. 🙂 We are in the middle of a glorious fall […]

Homemade Clif Bars – Chocolate

As I briefly mentioned in this post the other day, I love Clif bars. They taste great and  provide a good amount of protein and fiber. They’re perfect for a busy schedule when you just need something to hold you over. While I have nothing against buying Clif bars, they’re not exactly cheap, especially when you […]

Quinoa Oat Energy Bites

While there is a widening range of choices every year, it is generally very difficult to find allergy-friendly energy bars: most of them get protein and long-lasting energy through eggs, nuts, and/or dairy. The only store-bought kind I’ve ever been satisfied with are Clif bars, but even then you run the risk of cross-contamination, and […]