Berry Breakfast Quinoa

Because I initially started this blog to connect with others who have allergies, I am constantly trying to come up with recipes that are good not only for people like me who have egg and nut allergies, but also those who might have a dairy or gluten intolerance/allergies. This is one of those recipes.

The first time I made this, I honestly didn’t really know what I was doing. But sometimes, that tactic turns out the best, right?

I loved this bowl/flavor combination, but I’m already thinking of a couple of variations to try sometime. 🙂

Berry Breakfast Quinoa (E, N, D?, GF)
makes 1 serving

– ¼ cup uncooked quinoa
– ½ cup water
– 1-2 tbsp. milk (I used skim, but you could use whole, rice, soy, coconut, etc.)
– 1 tsp. brown sugar, or to taste
– 1 tbsp. vanilla protein powder, optional
– 1 cup frozen mixed berries


  1. In a small pot, combine quinoa and water. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 15 minutes until quinoa is tender.
  2. Keeping heat low, add the milk and brown sugar. Allow the sugar to melt and the quinoa to absorb most of the milk.
  3. Stir in protein powder, if you’re using it.
  4. Thaw the berries in the microwave for about 1 minute, or until warm and juicy.
  5. Spoon the quinoa into a bowl. Pour the berries and juice over top, and serve warm.
  6. Enjoy!

– I added the milk into the recipe just so the quinoa was a bit less dense. It worked perfectly!
– You could use regular sugar – or even a sweetener – but I love the molasses-y flavor the brown sugar gives this.
– If you don’t have protein powder or don’t want to use it, I would add maybe ¼ tsp. vanilla extract for that flavor. It’s delicious.
– This recipe is perfect for vegetarians, vegans (if you don’t use dairy milk!) or Meat Free Mondays. The quinoa has a ton of protein in it, and the meal overall is very filling and satisfying.

Start your week off right with a big, warm bowl of quinoa for breakfast! 🙂 Have a great day!


  1. This is so pretty with the berries on top! I need to try this. I love quinoa, but I rarely have it for breakfast.

    1. I had never had it for breakfast before, either. I usually top it with pesto or pasta sauce, so this was kind of out of the box for me, but it was great! I hope you like it!

  2. I never thought quinoa for breakfast, but really, why not! It looks so yummy with those berries! My daughter loves hot cereal on cold mornings and I’ll add this to our rotation! Thanks for linking up on Photo Friday – Happy weekend and we hope to see you next week. Cheers!

    1. Great – I hope she likes it! Thanks for hosting! 🙂

  3. […] Berry Breakfast Quinoa – that counts as red, white, and blue, […]

  4. […] or quinoa breakfast bowls. For a few days I was able to tolerate Greek yogurt in the morning (the only dairy I’d have […]

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